Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Remodeling Soap ~ Great Gift Idea

Posted by E.J. TORRES at 10:37 PM
Do you ever have random bars of soap that have been sitting around your house for the past few years collecting dust? I know I do, the soap bars I used are originally from the dollar store and are by the brand pear. It's a super simple and way to use soap. But, if you are a child please have a parent helping you because it can be very hot. This project is also a bit messy but isn't hard to clean considering it's soap. : ) The different ideas and patterns are endless!
The materials I used are: 
Trader Joe's Lavender oil
Coconut Oil
Random soap bars
food coloring (chalk pastel works too)
cookie cutters
Microwave(hot water works too)
Let's begin! So I put a hunk of soap into a small bowl. Then i added a spoonful of coco oil because is makes the soap softer on the skin as well as Lavender oil mainly for the smell. 
Then I chucked it into the microwave for around 1 minute. (big mistake) I recommend putting it in for 15-20 seconds at a time otherwise it expands and blows up all over your microwave. When it's done it should be a liquid. So, another alternative is putting the bowl of soap into a bowl of hot water, but that tends to take a lot longer.
  Generally this is what it looks like.
Here I'm just adding food coloring to it for a cooler color.

So before the liquidized soap dries quickly pour it into molds. Excuse these messy photos. : >
Once they're dry you can pop them out of the mold and tada
The finished product should look something like these hopefully. 
: )


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